Thursday, August 20, 2009

God is a myth

According to Carl Jung, the world famous pyscologist, myths are universal, and necessary for the health of human psyche.
I read, "Myths and legends are a universal human invention.. All races, without exception, have possesed their own unique mythology, which has arisen at different times and in different places, as explanations of the critical problems that people always face.These myths are ancient tales of wonder and glory, they are explanations about the mysteries of the universe in the form of stories that ordinary people can easily understand.
Why myths were created? From ancient times, human beings have been puzzled by many things that they saw around them. They wondered why mountains were shaped the way they were and why volcanoes spit fire. They pondered on what caused eclipses, and what made the sun move from East to West. They were amazed by the movement of the tides, the restless seas, the vast skies. They were also bewildered by the many mysteries of life. why do people die? What happens after death? Their questions were endless.

Wise men tried to find an explanation for all this, and they also tried to make ordinary people understand their reasoning through the wonderous stories called myths. Ancient rulers also played an important part in creating myths, and changing them too, when it suited them!

Some myths took the form of sacred religious texts, and were retold faithfully. Others changed with each teller, and people often forgot what the original version was! It is only much later, with the invention of the printing press that myhts were written down in a fixed form, So, a myth doesn't have an 'author' like a story has."

P.S: The authors of Ramayana might have overheard of it and put in print form. When Ram returned to Ayodhya with Sita and narrated the incidents, he might have told that some of the Dravidians were looking like monkeys and the painter literally drew dravidians with monkey-like mouths and tails.

People are spending more time in religious thoughts(listening to mythological stories) in their daily routines than highlighting the mistakes of the rulers and Gundas, ultimately causing the world a more insecure place to stay.

So believe in God only to the extent of gaining power to questioning the ruler and maintaining nature(environment) as it is at the time of creation.
I too believe in God only to the extent of getting additional strength to perform my duties. It can only be a moral support.

Various mythologys around the world:
Greek mythology inspired the famous epics, the Iliad and Odyssey, Roman mythology, Mesapotamian myths, Egyptian Mythology, Indian Mythology, Chinese Mythology, Japanese mythology, African mythology, 'Celtic, Slavic and Nordic' Mythology, North and South American Mythology

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